Student Experiences > STORY

Faeka Abrahams

My name is Faeka Abrahams and I am 24 years old. Before I came to the Communiversity of South Africa, I was working at two different retail stores, and was stuck in my life. I realized I could not work for just some little amount of money but that I wanted to achieve something so I can give my family and my kids a better future. My family and I lost our father who was the breadwinner in our family. No one else was working besides him. Then we lost our house. After that, I knew I did not want to live like this forever, in other people’s backyards where they treated you like dirt.

When I applied to the Communiversity, I spoke with Ashwyn Swartz, the placement officer, and he was so encouraging. I told him about my plans for the future and he said he would help me in any way he could and would also set me up with other people who could help me run my father’s company that he had just registered the day he passed away.

Being at the Communiversity has helped me realize that I can achieve anything in my life if I just put my mind to it. It has made me a stronger person by helping me overcome my fears about speaking about my situation and getting it behind me and instead, focusing on my future.

I have now been accepted at the College of Cape Town and will start my studies in Building and Civil Engineering!

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