Student Experiences > STORY

Chadley Gordon

I’m Chadley Gordon, 21 years old. This is my life- changing story that started when I entered the Communiversity of South Africa. I heard about them at my high school. They came and promoted their programme just like others did. I was definitely skeptical about their courses. But I joined anyway because I loved their whole vibe and what they wanted to implement for us.

They got us to focus on our goals – short-term and long-term goals. They asked us what our main goal is in life. Well, mine was to be successful and have enough money to make me happy, but not only me, my family, too. We were always speaking about trying to get to the next level of life and how can we make that step and actually put the effort in to achieve each goal. We all had mentors. We were placed in groups, 5-7 in each, and every student had his or her own mentor who helped us through everything emotionally and spiritually, which was awesome. They showed me there is a better way in life then standing on corners, asking for money, doing drugs, drinking alcohol.

I was very inspired by the Communiversity. I didn’t know what to expect but it was so positive for me. They shifted me from being a bit childish to a mature and confident person. I was a little confident, but I didn’t believe in myself as much as the people of the Communiversity believed in me. As the months passed, I started believing in myself more and more.

I would’ve loved to be consistently positive during my time, but then my Mom started getting extremely sick — just like that, out of the blue. I felt so messed up and lost. I couldn’t focus at all on anything because when your Mother is sick, she is your focus. I needed help urgently because my mom was a single parent, and she was all I had. (My Dad doesn’t play an active role in my life. But I do have a younger sibling whom I love so much so that also played a part in my doing better in life.)

As the days went by, I started just thinking negatively and I went to fewer classes. I was thinking of dropping out so I could just stay at home with my Mom. The people of Communiversity were so supportive –they always kept an eye on me, sending me messages and phoning me every day… eventually I went back. I felt so messed up because of my mom’s sickness. They helped me through it, along with my friends and family who helped.

My Mom passed away. I graduated from the Communiversity of South Africa. It was a huge achievement in my life, especially from where I had been. I have to say there ups and downs but I just stuck with Communiversity and tried not to give up.

They help people who want to be helped. They have played a huge role in my life, opening doors for me where I never thought I could be. Now I want to keep furthering my studies. I also want to always promote where it all started for me– which was at Communiversity. I want to thank everyone there for everything. They are still in touch with me—finding out where I am in life and what’s the next big step.

Chadley, along with four of his Communiversity classmates, completed the Propel I.T. Course at College of Cape Town and is now studying Oracle programming.

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