Student Experiences > STORY

Qwendie Soloman

My name is Qwendie (Wendy) Soloman. I am 40 years old, married, and have two sons, 20 and 14 years old. As a married working mom (home caregiver) who finished matric in 1998, I never thought i would ever reach my goals of becoming a teacher, because it looked impossible. I walked into the Communiversity building after my husband encouraged me to go and find out what they offer, seeing that I was at home and not working at that time.

I was very skeptical to go in. I always just walked past the building, wondering what was really happening in there. My first time walking into the Communiversity was a real loving and warm experience because of the help and assistance of staff, as they explained everything to me in detail what Communiversity was all about. (I can still remember how Liticha sat with me outside on the grass while explaining to me, and the reassurance I got from her made me decide to take the challenge on.)

I started at Communiversity in Vrygrond at the age of 38 surrounded by 18 year-old students, which was really a challenge –where I even asked myself, “Wendy, what are you doing here? You should go find yourself a job because you got responsibilities.” Well, despite my age and the doubts that came up in my mind, the staff of Communiversity was always supportive and encouraging. Every day I went to class excited because I was learning new things, and even though it was difficult sometimes, I pulled through because I had support from my family and the staff of Comm (that’s how we students use to call it, “Comm”).

After I graduated, I was accepted at False Bay College with a full bursary as an Educare student, with the help of Communiversity who gave me that will power and courage to discover my abilities and waken my dream again- which I thought was dead. I finished my 18-month theory programme and started with my 18-month practical which I will finish through God’s grace.

I still can’t believe I came that far, all thanks to Communiversity. May God always bless the team at Communiversity and may they grow bigger and wider in South Africa and waken more people’s dreams, like mine.

Thank you Comm!—- From an always grateful student

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